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Licensed Insurance Companies in Ontario
Fraternal Societies

The Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) is responsible for licensing insurance companies in Ontario. FSCO does not provide ratings of insurance companies or recommendations.
The Ontario Licensed Insurers - Including Classifications listing is for information purposes only. The listing contains a record of all insurance companies who are currently licensed and is updated as changes occur.
You can obtain further verification by calling (416) 250-7250 or toll free at 1-800-668-0128 or faxing (416) 226-7838, Attention: Licensing & Market Conduct Division.
Please report any errors or discrepancies by calling the above number. Information regarding any person/organization claiming to be an insurance company and who is not listed here, should also be reported.

Saturday July 27,2024

Click on the [+] to view details of the Licence Classifications

[+]ACTRA Fraternal Benefit Society
[+]Faithlife Financial
[+]Grand Orange Lodge of British America, The
[+]Guaranteed Funeral Deposits of Canada (Fraternal)
[+]Independent Order of Foresters, The
[+]Knights of Columbus
[+]Teachers Life Insurance Society (Fraternal)
[+]Toronto Police Widows and Orphans Fund
[+]Ukrainian National Association